
Archival treasures from over 100 years of (film) history, curated in lightboxes on world regions, key historical events, and topics of special interest. Discover the diversity of PROGRESS’ archival holdings and find inspiration for future projects.

1949 - Gründung von BRD und DDR / Foundation of the FRG and the GDR - Der Augenzeuge 1949/18 (DEFA04374)

1949 - Foundation of the FRG and the GDR

Konrad Adenauer, Wilhelm Pieck, German division, national anthem, constitution

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Helmut Schmidt bei Sandra Maischberger - PROB0519

Helmut Schmidt

Federal Chancellor, FRG, Social Democrat, SPD, Interview, German Bundestag

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1954 - Battle of Điện Biên Phủ / Schlacht um Điện Biên Phủ - Blick in die Welt 1954/43 (BIDW21885)

1954 - Battle of Điện Biên Phủ

Indochina War, Independence, Việt Minh, Foreign Legion, Hồ Chí Minh, Nguyên Giáp, Christian Marie de Castries

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1949 - Foundation of the People's Republic of China / Gründung der Volksrepublik China -China - Land zwischen gestern und morgen (DEFA02979)

1949 - Foundation of the People's Republic of China

Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek, civil war, Tian'anmen Square, Communist Party

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Angela Merkel | Jürgen Trittin | Horst Seehofer - Angela Merkel, Pressekonferenz Post Ost (DEFA13509)

Angela Merkel | Jürgen Trittin | Horst Seehofer - Anniversaries 2024

Interview, CDU, CSU, Die Grünen, Chancellor, German politics

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Angela Davis, Der Augenzeuge 1972/39 (DEFA05793)

Angela Davis - 80th birthday

Civil rights, Women´s movement, GDR, Activism, Racism, World Youth Festival 1973

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75 Years of NATO / 75 Jahre NATO - Der Augenzeuge 1957/B 96 (DEFA04869)

75 Years of NATO

Diplomacy, Cold War, Protest, Peace movement, Warsaw Pact

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Israel | Palestine / Israel | Palästina - Die Kinder Palästinas (DEFA06757)

Israel | Palestine

Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Middle East conflict, Fatah, Yasser Arafat

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Ukraine - 120 Trassen-Tage (DEFA01121)


Druzhba, Natural gas, Pipeline, Kyiv, Folklore, Soviet Union

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World War I / Erster Weltkrieg - US Forces in World War I (LA000162)

World War I

Soldier, Battlefield, Trench warfare, POW, Tank, Western front, Eastern front, Uniform, Battleship

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World War II / Zweiter Weltkrieg - D-Day in Germany (H00022)

World War II

Soldier, Bombing war, Flight and expulsion, Nazi Germany, Atomic bomb, D-Day

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Reconstruction after WWII / Wiederaufbau nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg - Berlin im Aufbau (DEFA02164), Reichstag in Berlin

Reconstruction after WWII

Postward period, Second World War, Rubble, Destruction, Bombing war

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Building the Berlin Wall / Mauerbau - Blick in die Welt 1962/33 (BIDW20460)

Building the Berlin Wall

Berlin, Border, German division, NVA, Cold War, Iron Curtain

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Fall of the Berlin Wall / Mauerfall - Die Mauer (DEFA06797)

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Border opening, Wende, Death strip, German Reunification

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Daily life in the GDR / Alltag in der DDR - Eine Berliner Arbeiterfamilie (DEFA07435)

Daily life in the GDR

Culture, Food, Housing, Family, Staatssicherheit, Vacation, Leisure

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Kindergarten - Sieben Kapitel aus dem Tagebuch einer Familie (DEFA14654)


Children, Education, Childcare, Equal rights, Women

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Women | Equal rights / Frauen | Gleichberechtigung - Frauen am Ball (DEFA08056)

Women | Equal rights

Emancipation, Abortion, Sexism, Protest, Feminism, Motherhood, Gender equality, Gender roles

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Family Planning / Familienplanung - Blick in die Welt 1974/13 (BIDW24837)

Family Planning

§218, Abortion, Equal rights, Pregnancy termination, Pill, Protest

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Guest Workers | Contract Workers / Gastarbeiter*innen | Vertragsarbeiter*innen - Über eine in Deutschland gebliebene Vertragsarbeiterin aus Vietnam (DEFA16523_1)

Guest Workers | Contract Workers

Labour migration, Integration, Foreign labour, Racism, FRG, GDR

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Outer Space | Space Race / Weltraum | Wettlauf ins All - Apollo 17: Ein Sonderbericht (H00221)

Outer Space | Space Race

Astronaut, Moon landing, Yuri Gagarin, NASA, Valentina Tereshkova, Sigmund Jähn

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Technology / Technik - Impressionen aus Eisenhüttenstadt (DEFA09300)


Science, Future, Innovation, Work, Industry, Computer, Progress

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Arab World / Arabische Welt - Notiert im Sudan, Teil 4. (DEFA12205)

Arab World

Suez Canal, Algerian War, Archaeology, Culture, Colonialism, Oil

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East and Southeast Asia  / Ost- und Südostasien - Eine Stadt am Grenzgebiet (VFI00138), Vietnam

East and Southeast Asia

Daily life, Culture, Olympic Games 1964, Vietnam War, Korean War

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Afrika / Africa - Grüße aus Maputo (DEFA08565)


Culture, Independence, Colonialism, Wildlife, Development aid

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Central and South America / Mittel- und Südamerika - Bienvenidos, Companeros! Willkommen, Genossen! (DEFA02382), Fidel Castro

Central and South America

Revolution, Culture, Socialism, Fidel Castro, Daily life

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Copihuito (DEFA03102), Chile

Chile Coup 1973

Unidad Popular, Augusto Pinochet, Salvador Allende, Bombing of La Moneda, Solidarity

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Central and Eastern Europe | Central Asia / Mittel- und Osteuropa | Zentralasien - Es ist an der Zeit darüber zu sprechen (DEFA07721)

Central and Eastern Europe | Central Asia

Soviet Union, Siberia, Moscow, Caucasus, Nature, German-Soviet friendship

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North America / Nordamerika - Big City (H00372)

North America

USA, New York, Culture, Skyscraper, Metropolis, Traffic, Military

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Youth Culture / Jugenskultur - flüstern & SCHREIEN (DEFA07992), Silly mit Tamara Danz

Youth Culture

Music, Punk, Hippie, Subculture, Skinhead, Sex education, Violence

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Rock Music - Wir (DEFA17544)

Rock Music

East Rock, Disco, Music, Zeitgeist, Rock'n'Roll, Concert, Amiga

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Schlager - Zu Gast bei B. K. - Bisser Kirow (DEFA18105)


Chanson, Amiga, Music, Entertainment, Caterina Valente, Karel Gott

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